Nearshore: what’s in a name?

Nearshore: what’s in a name?

Nearshore: what’s in a name? What is nearshore outsourcing? How does it differ from offshoring? Delta Source has been combining up-to-date know-how and passionate people from day one. With a Belgian and Bulgarian office, we unite IT forces across borders. We are...
Get to know our founding fathers

Get to know our founding fathers

Get to know our founding fathers The dev teams at Delta Source have been building strong software for over 10 years for medium and large-sized companies. The switch from start-up to scale-up is celebrated with brand new branding. Although the logo gets an update, the...
Polyglot4Dev 2022

Polyglot4Dev 2022

Polyglot4Dev 2022 On the 6th of October 2022, the Delta Source team attended the first edition of a unique conference called Polyglot4dev. Organized by Nayden Gochev of BGJUG, Polyglot4dev is a first of its kind conference aimed at developers already familiar with a...
Pigs vs chickens

Pigs vs chickens

Pigs vs chickens While schematically writing down our core values, I came across the following sentence: “We are pigs, not chickens”. As an administrative employee with no IT jargon, I was a bit taken aback to suddenly read about pigs and chickens....
Kafka as a database

Kafka as a database

Kafka as a database The Java2Days conference is one of the largest Java conferences in Eastern Europe, with a rich history dating back to 2009. In the 2022 edition, our colleague Taner shared his experiences with Apache Kafka in a “Kafka as a database”...