Tackle your IT problems with a high performance team

Technology evolves nonstop. Does your strategy swiftly adapt or does it stay behind in familiar territory? High performance teams are the way to go. Together in one ship, heading one course. But how do you create such a high-performing team? And what are the benefits?
Content marketer Karlijn Van De Sype sat down with Benne Bastin, Chief Commercial Officer at Delta Source, where teamwork is the norm.

Hi Benne! Delta Source has been working successfully in teams for years. What characterizes a high performance team?

Benne: “In a high performance team, passionate professionals put their heads together to get a client’s project to the finish line quickly and efficiently. Everyone is perfectly matched and puts their unique talents to use. Clear and respectful communication is essential, as is an ambitious and clear goal. Only then can you sail together toward the common target without capsizing along the way.”

What are the main business benefits of high performance teams?

Benne:“The idea of high performance teams originally came from the IT sector. The concept? Not just one IT person, but an entire team of experts takes a close look at an IT problem. Brainstorming and agile working are key. Because everyone trusts each other and works together as a team towards the same goal, you get faster and more qualitative results. As a manager, you save a lot of time, money and energy. Because the longer an IT project lingers, the longer it takes for your product to pay off. The result? A sharply decreasing total cost of ownership!”

Finally, how do you keep the lines of communication short between your business and IT?

Benne: “A driven IT team is not rigid and slow, but agile and resilient. Mutual responsibility and constructive feedback are key, so its collective knowledge is constantly growing. Moreover, by working with a high performance team, you avoid unnecessary meetings and phone calls with constantly new colleagues or parties. That’s how you keep the lines of communication short between your business and IT, and you advance faster.”

Faster and better solutions, that sounds promising. Thank you for these interesting insights and practical tips, Benne!

Partner with a high performance team

Is your business ready for lightning-fast IT solutions? Does your software need a well-oiled machine of developers? Avoid “inside the box” thinking and entrust your case to a dynamic IT team. At Delta Source, you lean on the knowledge of our entire company and enjoy professional IT solutions tailored to your needs. We take end to end responsibility: from analysis to implementation and more. Welcome aboard our ship.