If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.

Quality has its price, and this is true in software development as well as in aviation. Cheap solutions can lead to expensive mistakes, technical debt and high risks. Investing in experts prevents problems and saves time and money in the long run.

We’ve all heard the saying: “If you buy cheap, you buy twice.” This wisdom rings especially true in software development. In an era where cost-cutting and efficiency are paramount, it can be tempting to opt for cheaper alternatives. But as the saying goes: “If you pay nuts, you get monkeys.” Let’s take a closer look at the risks of choosing less experienced, cheaper developers.

The Boeing 737 MAX debacle: an expensive lesson

A tragic example of the consequences of cost-cutting is the Boeing 737 MAX debacle. A plane once synonymous with innovation was transformed by a series of technical failures into a symbol of how skimping on expertise can lead to disastrous results. By replacing experienced engineers with cheaper, less skilled ones, critical errors were overlooked.

Why expertise in software development is crucial

– In-depth knowledge: Experienced developers bring years of expertise in programming languages, frameworks, and tools. They can solve complex problems and follow best practices.

– Proactive thinking: Good developers think not just about current functionality but also about scalability, maintainability, and security in the long run.

– Quality: Code from seasoned developers has fewer bugs and requires less frequent maintenance

– Efficiency: While hiring experts might seem more expensive initially, they tend to be more efficient in the long run, making fewer mistakes and solving problems faster.

The Real Cost of Cheap Software Development

– Bugs and security issues: Less experienced developers are more prone to making mistakes, leading to bugs and security vulnerabilities. Fixing these can be costly in both time and money.

-Technical debt: Quick, low-quality development leads to technical debt, making future projects more expensive and time-consuming.

-Delays: Errors and technical debt often cause delays, negatively impacting the project’s time-to-market.

-Reputational damage: Poor-quality software can seriously harm your company’s reputation.


While it is tempting to go for the cheapest option, keep the long term in mind. Investing in experienced developers leads to more robust, secure and maintainable software. This investment pays off in the long run.