
Delta Source sits down with Lucas Hendrickx, co-founder of Hentrac. Read more about the supply chain software and the power of experienced partners.

Lucas Hendrickx: “Our partners complement our unique, strong expertise in sustainability and tracking software. Together, we make Hentrac even stronger!”

Things are going fast for Hentrac, the young start-up whose supply chain software supports companies in digitally tracking and managing sustainability. Because as a company, you cannot simply claim that you operate sustainably; you have to prove it more than ever. Delta Source sits down at (the digital) table with founder Lucas Hendrickx. Read on and meet Hentrac’s vision, story and partners!

Hi Lucas! Thanks for making time in your busy schedule and speaking to us from America.

“You’re welcome! (laughs) I am happy to give a word on our start-up story.”

With what purpose did you found Hentrac about two years ago?

“Hentrac saw the light of day in 2022 thanks to discussions with our first customer, Monument Chemical, a US chemicals company that has a site at the port of Antwerp. The company was actively looking for a solution to meet tracking requirements for certifications. Not generic descriptions, but comprehensive details. In co-development, we developed the Hentrac platform together. This has now been live for more than a year.”

The company name suggests you ran Hentrac alone at first?

“That’s right. (laughs) It suddenly all had to happen fast and the company name does indeed come from my name. Meanwhile, I can count on my sidekick Floris Abrams. No coincidence, as our professional paths crossed on several occasions. Floris is my former thesis supervisor. Our vision and work ethics are very similar, which makes us a good entrepreneurial duo.”

"Today, Hentrac is active in the world of biofuel and chemicals. A sector with tons of potential. What we do, we especially want to do well. That's why we are focusing exclusively on this one sector for now. Good work requires focus."

Some companies today are immersing themselves in sustainability. Hentrac’s clients have been doing so for years.

“Absolutely. Hentrac answers the questions of companies that need and want to map their sustainable processes and production. We don’t have to convince our clients of the importance of sustainability, they are very much on board. For them, Hentrac is the missing link to make their vision and actions tangible. They take far-reaching sustainability measures, but fail to make them transparent in every step of the supply chain. That’s where our software comes in.”

Where is the difference between Hentrac and other tracking programmes?

“It is Hentrac’s mission to make sustainability scalable. A standard tracking program is ideal on a small scale, but not enough to roll out for large organisations. Some companies keep enough grip via Excel and spreadsheets. That’s totally fine! By contrast, our client portfolio is active in biofuel and chemicals, and that inextricably involves multiple sites and high volumes. Hentrac is experienced in complex supply chains. Our digital product helps keep a finger on the pulse when manual tracking is no longer tenable.”

How does Hentrac manage to achieve big goals with a small team?

“Anno 2024, Hentrac consists of just Floris and myself. With boundless enthusiasm and ample know-how alone, we obviously won’t get there. That’s why we let specialists assist us where necessary. This is how Delta Source came across our path. The first pleasant acquaintance set us thinking and led us to engage Delta Source’s developers. Our expertise is in the sustainability story and building understandable and usable software. As our customer base grows and we also offer a cloud solution, scalability and security become more important. To tackle these projects at short notice, it is faster and more efficient to bring in external expertise.”

Some start-ups try to do everything in-house, while Hentrac actively engages proven partners.

“That is a conscious choice. Choosing consultancy, like through Delta Source, may not be the first solution that start-ups think of. But actually, Floris and I can only recommend it to others. We cut costs, because we don’t hire an employee, and we gain knowledge and experience. A win-win if you ask us! Moreover, a party like Delta Source is seasoned in their operation. Daan Kets (managing partner at Delta Source) is our permanent contact and acts as senior consultant on our project. In tandem with the Bulgarian Delta Source colleagues, this is a hyper-efficient way of working. Of course, that’s great for a start-up like Hentrac where cost and quality have to be balanced.”

Thank you for the inspiring chat, Lucas. We enjoy building on Hentrac’s story!

“Thank you guys for the support. Hentrac still has numerous ambitions both short- and long-term, so we will hear from each other regularly!’

"If I can give one tip to other start-ups? Dare to enlist help. You are strong in your field, although it is an illusion that you can do everything yourself. For instance, Floris and I enjoy bringing in experienced parties, such as Delta Source. It is a balancing act between getting outside advice and making your own decisions. Usually experts are eager to help start-ups. Afterwards, it comes down to making informed decisions that are consistent with your mission and vision."